Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sorry 'bout the red eye

Adam, the guy with the pumpkin and on the super swing would like everyone to know that his eyes are not that color and he is not possessed by any demon or demon like creature. It was an error on my side of the board, and my inability to get the red out. I figured out how and from here on out, no one in any picture I post will look like that. Sorry.

That is what I get for running my mouth after a couple of gin and tonics (actually, I am possessed by a demon but he made me tell you that I'm not, ooh, I'll pay for admitting to that one).
we all knew that before anyway, adam.
I've always thought that Adam was possessed by not one, but mulitple demons. I'm surprised his teeth weren't red too. :)

How are ya doing Nick?
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