Friday, March 17, 2006

NCAA Update

Well it was an exciting first round, with some great upsets which Adam picked alot of them, unfortunately for him he went crazy with the underdog and missed some really easy picks. But don't worry buddy, the race is still too close to call. Adam went 11/16 just like Ed. While Becky and I went 12/16. Fortunatly for Adam the teams that lost for him, he only had them going one round, unlike the rest of us. Good luck in round two.

Yeah, I very nearly had the San Diego St. upset though. That would have been sweet.

Bradley, don't fail me now. Take Kansas to the mat!
nearly shmearly, don't start saying ooh so close, horseshoes and hand granades, you know the deal.
Yeah, you're just worried because the Zags nearly got eliminated last night and that's a poor showing for a team you've got going to what, the final four I believe? Yeah, you're sweatin'.
I can't beleive that N.W. beat Iowa, you suck
Hey, did I pick N. Iowa or Georgetown?

and also,

S. Illinois or W. Virginia?

I don't remember those picks.
i'm happy i've got 10 of the sweet 16. unfortunately, i don't have north carolina anymore, and i had them winning 4 more games. that's bad.
Don't worry, I think I put Memphis in the championship and while they're still winning games, it's a struggle for them. They concern me.
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