Wednesday, March 12, 2008


so i found a translation service online and got a list of words translated. i think i have the four from the list i want to use, factoring in a combination of the english meaning of the word and the coolness of it translated into danish. i'll show you the list and then we'll see which words you guys like. so the way the design will work(thank you adam), instead of having the words written down my arm vertically so you can read them when my arms are down. they will be inked so they will be read horizontily when i hold my arms straight out. they will be on the inside of my arms, one on top, and one on bottom with hearts at the ends of the words, and inbetween the two words will be a row of stars like the ones i have on the back of an adidas hoodie.
i haven't decided on which direction i want the stars to go, like these, vertically, or to go with the words horizontilly. and if i could somehow get the hearts in a similar design as the stars would be pretty sweeet. i still have questions i need to answer, but hopefully within the next month or so i can get it stuck.
here's the list.

Driven-Please explain in detail what you mean by driven – it can be interpreted in many ways in Danish. From shrewed to tense….
Proud, pride-stolt, ?
Intent-(also needs explanation in depth)
Irrepressive-Ubetvingelig (probably not the intended translation, please give details)
Competitive-Konkurrencepræget (hard to find an real equivalent to the English)
Family oriented-Familieorienteret
Free spirit-Fri sjæl
Fighter-Stridsmand (not easy to translate to the same meaning)

I'm glad I could offer nothing to you. I guess I just don't know you anymore.

it's not that you don't know me, i was just going in a little bit of a different direction. i was just looking for stronger words, i didn't put that in the previous post. adam wanted me to use silly, and you don't see that on the list either. don't cry, i still love you.
You could have hardened it up a bit.

How about "fucking silly"? Is that better tough guy?

I kid, I kid.
The problem with using less serious words to describe Nick like funny and silly is that although they are very true, they arent the kind of thing you want to have inked on you. I think it would be sort of odd when someone asked him to explain what they meant if he said "and this means I am hilarious..." I also think those elements of his personality are readily apparant when you meet him so something that is a little more personal and meaningful for a tattoo makes more sense to me. I've also always thought that when you explain a tattoo to someone it should give them insight into who you are so they should learn something about you and your personality.

The length of the words should probaly be considered too, if you want symetry. I am also interested to see the font you choose. I think its coming together really well though, I like including the hearts and stars. I feel like I can picture it clearly now.
thanks kase, that is really what i was going for, i just didn't know how to word it. and as far as the symetry, i'm not sure how symetrical it will be. i might sacrifice symetry for meaning. but still no one has any guesses on which words i will choose, don't worry, there is no wrong answer...well, there is, cause i have it narrowed down to 3 and am deciding on the final 1. so you could be wrong, i just want to here what you guys think.
Kinda missed my joke I guess. If I had to pick four off the list, I'd go with:

Free spirit
I agree with Adam (believe it or not!) I like those words and they way the look in Danish. Although, I really like the translation of fighter, "Stridsmand" sounds bad ass to me.
I was looking at the stars again, and I like them how they are on the sweatshirt, sort of tilted so you could go vertical or horizontal and it wont really matter.
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