Monday, March 10, 2008


so i just finished emailing kasey about some tattoo ideas, for hers, and asked her this question and thought i should put it out there to all of you who still read my blog. here's what i need. i need 4 words that i embody, preferably positive words. these words will then be translated into danish and then stuck on my arms via ink and needle. to give you an idea, i've come up; with strength, power, determination, pride. i know that is 4 right there, but i don't want strength and power, i want some diversity in the words and i thought you, the people that know me best would be able to help me with this. i look forward to your serious, but mostly comical ideas of words to stick on my body.

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humorous, positive, social and supporting come to mind

I'll think of more on a more funny note...
agile, generous, friendly, happy-go-lucky, silly,
thanks adam but i don't think i will be putting "silly" on my arm, but thanks. and i just got the list back from the guy i emailed last night, so i may or may not be able to get generous translated since he did the others for free as a danish brother.
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